Boston Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer
The emergence of the Internet created a new and unlikely breed of alleged sex offenders. In the past, without Internet access it was extremely difficult to obtain child pornography. Now, these images come right to people’s computers without anyone having to leave the house. But the police and undercover investigators are online too and aggressively prosecuting actions that may not have been obviously criminal. Federal and state authorities now frequently rely upon Internet “stings” to initiate criminal actions.
Experienced Defense From Internet Sex Crime Charges
The stakes are high in Internet sex crimes, and it is critical to have a Massachusetts Internet sex crimes defense attorney who knows and can counter prosecution strategies, including challenging and suppressing illegally obtained evidence. Boston-based attorney Kate Frame was a state prosecutor when the government began to investigate and prosecute sex crimes over the Internet. She has worked with the state’s foremost computer crimes investigators. Her experience includes numerous Internet sex crimes such as possession, distribution and manufacture of child pornography, dissemination of matter harmful to a minor, enticement of a child, and kidnapping.
Boston Internet crime defense lawyer Kate Frame brings to her practice judgment, insider’s perspective, and courtroom skill that will ensure the best possible outcome for her clients. The law that applies to government searches of electronic data from computers, cell phones and websites is challenging and ever-evolving. The government prosecutes these cases aggressively. Having litigated these cases countless times both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney, Kate Frame has the investigative and legal skills to provide the highest-quality legal representation in these matters.
The Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB)
Post conviction, all individuals convicted of sex-related Internet crimes must stand before the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry Board. When you face this Board, you will be assessed with a number (Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3) based upon the Board’s decision as to what danger you pose to the public as a sex offender, and your likelihood of committing another sex offense in the future. If the Board determines that you are a Level 3 or a Level 2 sex offender, your name, address and sex offense information will be posted on the Internet and available to everyone you know, making it nearly impossible to live a normal life again.
Kate Frame spent eight years working on the Board that will determine your ongoing status as a sex offender. She understands the statute and regulations, as well as the many Massachusetts Appeals Court and Supreme Judicial Court decisions interpreting the Sex Offender Law and regulations. She also had an inside knowledge of the people and processes that make up the Board, what they are looking for, and how they make these very important decisions. Very few Boston lawyers possess this kind of experience.
Contact A Boston Attorney For Online Sex Crimes Defense
Contact The Law Offices of Kate A. Frame to talk with a lawyer.