Sex Offender Classification Termination Process In Massachusetts
If a number of years have passed since your conviction, and you have not had any further contacts with the criminal justice system, you may be eligible to apply for the termination of your obligation to register as a sex offender. The Sex Offender Registry Board members currently review these petitions. On this document, you must prove that you have not committed a sex offense in 10 years and you are not likely to pose danger to the safety of others.
Much like the hearing process, this is an important place to portray you in a holistic sense — calling attention to your positive qualities and contributions to society. Often, the goal in a termination petition is to show the SORB how you have grown and changed since the time in your life when you were convicted of a sex offense. An experienced Boston-area lawyer can help you do this efficiently and effectively.
Experienced Boston, Massachusetts, SORB Attorney
Attorney Kate Frame knows what the SORB members are looking for because she served on the board for years. She voted on petitions to terminate and has a clear understanding of how the SORB functions and the complexities therein. Kate Frame takes every step necessary to show the board, via words, pictures and other useful tools that you are a great candidate for registry termination.
According to widely accepted research that the SORB will consider if offered by your attorney, a sex offender’s risk for re-offending decreases after the age of 40. The rate at which it drops can vary depending on the type of offense. However at age 60, the risk decreases significantly and at age 70, risk is nearly zero.
Kate Frame is prepared to use the research and information necessary to educate the SORB on your life and how it has changed since your conviction. She will carefully and diligently pursue an outcome that supports your best interests and a brighter future for you and your family.
Contact A Boston Sex Offender Reclassification Lawyer
To learn more about how to navigate sex offender classification termination process, email or call the firm at 978-208-3975 or toll free at 866-974-0927 .